
Hola , space learners!

Let’s learn about the universe !

Welcome!(Disclaimer – None of the content is copied from google)

My blog offers unlimited (or limited) knowledge on the mysteries of the universe which may throw some light on the understanding of universe of yours! Hobey ho , Let’s go ! (check out my the other website-

Let’s discuss about the beginning of the extraordinary universe. It began with a quark (two up quarks are there in 1 proton ) and expanded to what is today and is still growing . This was known as the INFLATION THEORY.

It began with a quark and ended up being a multiverse!

Hardik | Rathi (author)

Now , how do things move in the universe which has no air as medium :-

  • String theory
  • outward pressure generated by stars and black holes
  • radioactive pressure

Let’s discuss about the these all:-

String theory

It was believed that there exists only three dimensions – upward, downward ; backward,forward ; right , left. But , some philosophical people suggested that here can exist a fourth dimension – (photo from google) her it is :- . This theory can cause possibility on the myth of time machine as parts of the same thing can be in two different areas.

Four-dimensional space - Wikipedia

Outward pressure

This is the result of the nuclear fusion inside the the stars in which the hydrogen gas converts into helium resulting in incredible energy release. Think if this happening at all areas of the big star……………….the amount of energy will be equal to 20-30 nuclear bomb. The same happens in black holes , where when the black holes suck everything in their surroundings but this also releases gases that were absorbed. You may relate to this by the law of Isaac Newton – Every reaction has a opposite and equal reaction.

The Life-Giving Sun

Radioactive pressure

This the pressure which results in solar winds and this pressure is caused by the rarefaction and compression of the radio waves. It contains charged ions and causes the aurora borealis in the north pole!

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